Vietnam: one day at a time

Random photos taken in Vietnam


Fruit vine (qua gac)

Here's the fruit I mentioned yesterday that gives the red colouring to food. I can't find the name in the dictionary, but gach is given as the red-orange fat of a crab (see the crab soup yesterday). Maybe the fruit has the same name. Gach is also the word for bricks and tiles.

Update: commenter corrected me. It is gac (ga^'c).


At 2:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fruit is called "gấc" in Vietnamese. I'm not sure if it's spelled with a 'c' or with a 't', but the pronunciation is the same. The juice of the fruit is used in sticky rice to give it a distinctive red-orange color and taste.

At 7:08 pm, Blogger melanie said...

See the xoi in the previous photo. I just looked up xoi in my dictionary and found xoi gac - that is xo^i ga^'c (one day I'll learn how to put tones in here). The English name is given as 'momordica' which helps a lot!

Thanks for the correction.

At 9:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some new neigbors who have put up a lovely vine over the patio. I am wondering if this is the "gac" in this photo. The leaves are similar but the fruit has not grown yet. There are lovely yellow flowers on the vine and I just wanted to ask if the "gac" had yellow flowers before producing the fruit.

At 12:16 pm, Blogger melanie said...

I can't help much in this department. I suppose it depends where you are and if your new neighbours are Vietnamese. I've never seen gac outside Vietnam (which doesn't necessarily mean anything). But it does look a bit like passionfruit leaf-wise. I had a passionfruit vine outside my bedroom window as a kid and I cannot for the life of me remember what colour the flowers were!

At 1:34 pm, Blogger Nazli said...

I have been reading bits and pieces about gac fruit thru the net, but information seems to be scare. Would like to find out more as maybe try and grow them over my propose new patio in Malaysia.Apparently, thru the pics I have seen in the net, it produces yellow flowers before the fruit. Any help out there


At 11:58 pm, Blogger Lan said...

I had a blog about this fruit here:

At 1:34 pm, Blogger Gac Fruits said...

Gâc Vietnam - a New Super Fruits


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