Vietnam: one day at a time

Random photos taken in Vietnam


Gathering chi gong

It has a different name here, but it's the same concept of mind over matter. This kid was about to undergo a piercing of the skin on his back with a very large nail. He apparently felt no pain and there was no blood from the wound, indeed there was no wound at all after the procedure was over. Others, also children, had concrete blocks placed on their legs or stomachs that were smashed by karate chops. Another pulled a Landcruiser along by a rope held between his teeth. I found this performance both impressive and very disturbing. It is part of the 'traditional' cultural revival going on all over the country, but although this performance was being filmed by VTV, it isn't approved of by the government and I can see why. A crowd of spectators gathered to be entertained, but what's it for really? Just people, mostly children, doing freaky things for the sake of being freaky? The claim is to have some spiritual power, but what do they use it for? I suppose I'm too secular and materialist, but after watching a couple of these demonstrations I wanted to escape to somewhere more down-to-earth and less gruesome.


At 1:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As cultural as this may be, and as open-minded as I am, I am unable to pinpoint why it is I find this disturbing.

At 12:41 pm, Blogger melanie said...

Me too. I was fascinated (up to a point), but I didn't like it.


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